Choosing when to run certain Integration Tests

Integration test scenarios can be configured to run in only certain cases (referred to as contexts in further text). Examples include running the integration test pipelines only in case of Pull Requests, or running them only for builds of specific components. The full list of supported contexts is:

  • “application” - runs the integration test in all cases - this is the default state

  • “component” - runs the integration tests only in case of component builds

    • This context is run for builds of all components, but not for special cases like manually created Snapshots

  • “component_COMPONENT” - runs the integration test only for a build of a specific component

    • For a component sample-component, this context would need to be component_sample-component

  • "pull_request” - runs the integration test in case of the Snapshot being created for a pull request event

  • “push” - runs the integration test in case of the Snapshot being created for a push event

  • "override” - runs the integration test for an override Snapshot

    Setting more than one context in the list will run the IntegrationTestScenario for all included contexts.
  1. Choose the IntegrationTestScenario that you want to run only in certain cases.

  2. Edit the chosen IntegrationTestScenario using kubectl.

    $ kubectl edit integrationtestscenario [integrationtestscenario name]
  3. Modify the contexts field by setting the list of contexts you wish the IntegrationTestScenario.

    Example integrationTestScenario configuration with the pull_request context:

    kind: IntegrationTestScenario
      name: example-pass
      namespace: default
      application: application-sample
        - description: PR testing
          name: pull_request
        resolver: git
          - name: url
          - name: revision
            value: main
          - name: pathInRepo
            value: pipelines/integration_pipeline_pass.yaml
  1. To verify the configuration, run a component build in the desired context (e.g. as part of a Pull Request) and verify if the integration test pipeline was executed according to your expectations.